11-04-2024 15:00

Durante la pandemia de coronavirus, había menos...

09-04-2024 15:00

Hoy en día, las pantallas y los...

08-04-2024 07:00

La Casa Blanca ha pedido a la...

03-04-2024 15:00

La piel de gallina son pequeños bultos...

27-03-2024 15:00

A muchas personas les encanta la especia...

25-03-2024 07:00

En Italia, Carlo Del Buono y José...

22-03-2024 07:00

Nvidia mostró un nuevo chip de IA,...

20-03-2024 15:00

No está claro el origen de la...

20-03-2024 07:00

Un experimento que envió células cancerosas al...

18-03-2024 07:00

Biólogos de Nueva Zelanda encontraron unas 100...

How to improve your Spanish with Spanish in Levels: 


  1. Do the test at Test Languages.
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words.


  1. Read two news articles every day.
  2. Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.


  1. Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
  2. Listen to the news from today without reading the text.


  1. Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.