23-10-2023 15:00

El río Amazonas en Brasil está muy...

23-10-2023 07:00

Los usuarios de Netflix ya no pueden...

20-10-2023 15:00

El Tribunal Supremo de India dice no...

20-10-2023 07:00

Se detiene un partido de fútbol entre...

19-10-2023 15:00

A los británicos a menudo les molesta...

19-10-2023 07:00

Australia dice no a un plan que...

18-10-2023 15:00

Esta noticia trata de un chimpancé. Está...

18-10-2023 07:00

Muchas personas de América presenciaron un acontecimiento...

17-10-2023 15:00

María vive en un pequeño pueblo de...

17-10-2023 07:00

Bernie Ecclestone es un ex jefe de...

What is Level 1

Easy Spanish news in Level 1 are for beginners. In this level, we use only 1000 most important words in Spanish. In every news article we mark words which are from a higher level. When you understand all words in Level 1, you know 1000 words in easy Spanish and it is time to go to Level 2. When you read and listen to Level 1 short news every day, very soon you can know and understand 1000 most important words in Spanish.

How to improve your Spanish with Spanish in Levels: 


  1. Do the test at Test Languages.
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words.


  1. Read two news articles every day.
  2. Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words.


  1. Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time.
  2. Listen to the news from today without reading the text.


  1. Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.